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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
the power of steel +squares 6
the temple of silks +peacoc 24
the test of india CASH ? 32
the times of INTERNET 16
the world of sports v S.S. 25
top of india +circle 41
tree of life +tree 16, 25
university of jeans +shield 25
v VIMPEX sound of music 9
v.s. +cartoon of elephant 28
voice of bangalore +boy gir 41
voice of the people +lion 16
wall finish plaster of pari 19
wings of the nation SKY BLU 37, 39, 41, 42
woman +bundle of bidis 34
world of basics 25
world of mangalsutra 14
world of stones +leaves 19
ofcour's ZOMBY +square 30
off-SET 5
FLIP-off 17
KUNDAN'S pile off 5
NFC gas off +square 5
PIDILITE stain off 3
SPIN off 25
TAKE off 1
kick off 28
APACHE offensive mobile sys 9
PICNIC offer 32
ABC offering technology 9
TIMES super offers 16
office DEPOT 11, 27, 34
office EXPRESS 20
office MANAGER 9
office ON WHEELS 16
11 film online box-office 16
21ST century office 16
9TO9 office suppliers +arc 16
@ office mail solution 38
AJANTA office paste +bottle 16
ANKUR office 9
AURA open plan office syste 19
BIG office store 35
CANTRONICS office equipment 9, 16
COMPLIANCE office solution 35
ENDURO office ware 20
HIT office 42
INDEX office +arrows 35
KANVE office furniture 20
LEAP office 9
LUTHRA & LUTHRA law office 16
MICROSOFT office xp 9, 16
MIRROR office file 16
MONSTER office hq 16
NEFM home & office furnitur 20
ORANGE interiors office hom 20, 37
PAN office systems +cabinet 6
PINNACLE office automation 9
RELIANCE office world 42
RELIANCE smart office 9, 16, 38
SERVCORP smart office 9, 35, 36, 38, 42
STAR box office 9
TODAY'S office plus +oval 16
ZEBRA office file +zebra 16
ZONE the virtual office 9, 16
ZONE virtual office +cartoo 9
intelligent office 35, 36, 38
plan your office +circle 16
shop office LEADER 37
officemate +paper clip 35
officer's CHEERS 33
officer's CHOICE 30
officer's CHOICE +man 25
officer's CLUB OC +cartoon 33
officer's CLUB TILOKSONS 33
CAPTAIN +officer 3
REX shoes officer 25
WHITE COLLAR by officer 25
DABAS AND DABAS law offices 45
JBLO JURY BRAIN law offices 42
LEGACY law offices 45
LUTHRA & LUTHRA law offices 16, 42
OJUS law offices +circle 45
officetime +squares 16
OAG official airlane guide 9
OAG official airline guide 16
GALLANTIC high speed offset 7
PRINTEX offset printing 35
RAJMUDRA offset +octagon 40
FALCON offshore +bird & ova 42
GOOS GLOBAL offshore +arrow 16
OTL offshore technolabs 42
great offshore +plant & ova 42
great offshore +plant circl 39
ofloxacin ADOXIN 100dt 5
ofloxacin FLOXATOP 200mg 5
OFVID 200 ofloxacin tablets 5
ofm ruchi macaroni +plants 30
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